Providing The Highest Quality Products And Service.
Phoenix Brands have been baking biscuit products since 1998 and have been at our current site in Wolverhampton since 2017 and employ 40 people.
Between us, we have a wealth of experience in baking biscuits and managing a well-run, efficient business dedicated to the highest standards of customer service and flexibility.
We are proud to say that we will go the extra mile to give our customers what they need when they need it as we know that not everything goes according to plan and sometimes an unexpected order has to be made urgently

Our History
1998 – Phoenix began crumbing biscuits in Netherton, West Midlands.
2001 – Moved to larger factory in Bilston, Wolverhampton.
2008 – Installed gas fired travelling oven with production capacity of 140 tonnes per week.
2016 – Had taken several units by now but outgrown the Trading Estate and started looking for another site. We needed more space under one roof and a large yard to allow the business to expand..
2017 – Early part of the year we found our new factory in Ettingshall, Wolverhampton. Five units totalling 30,000 sq ft which we converted into one unit.
April – September 2017 – Works done to create a modern food factory including hygienic wall cladding. 600 plus racking spaces for raw materials and finished products.
September – December 2017 – Installation of new, computer controlled, direct gas fired travelling oven, 40m x 1.2 wide with a production capability of well over 200 tonnes per week. Included were also new high speed mixer, kibbler, triple deck cooling line, grinding system and metal detection.
2018 – January. Successful trials on new line.
2018 – May. New factory achieved Grade “A” BRC accreditation.
2018 – November – December. Moved oven line from the old site to the new site to add to our new oven, giving a capacity of over 340 tonnes per week. Included etc as per original.
2019 – So far this year we have added a new semi-automated bagging line which has just been installed and we have plans of further investment in a flour silo and feeding system and also a robot palletising system which will improve the front and back end of the new line. We are also innovating our product range with new products such as small “pea” shaped biscuits for use in various confectionery and yoghurts.
We are investing £2m to allow Phoenix Brands to reach our growth vision and fully service our customer’s requirements, which is what we have always strived to do.
2019 – AA grade BRC accreditation achieved.
2019 – Installed an automated packing line.
2019 – Added “Pea” biscuits to our product range.
2020 – Installed a bulk flour silo and associated feed machinery.
2020 – Added ready blended crumb to our product range.
2021 – Installed Robot palletising equipment.
2022 – Installing another automated packing line.
2022 – Increasing bulk flour silo capacity.